Body Cosmos

An Immersive Experience Driven by Real-Time Bio-Data

Body Cosmos” is an artwork that explores the interconnectedness of the human body in a digital cosmic environment. We create a surreal virtual reality that reflects the intricate structures of human anatomy and celestial nebulae, learning from volumetric rendering techniques. This immersive experience connects the macrocosm of the universe with the microcosm of human life, revealing the enduring resonance of our biological rhythms in the cosmic dance (Figure 1). “Body Cosmos” integrates real-time bio-data gathered through heart rate monitors and EEG devices. This life data influences the visualization, creating an intimate, personal connection with the cosmos. The artwork transcends immediate presence, reflecting on the intertwined relationships that humans can form with digital data, thus nurturing a perpetual presence within the cosmic expanse. Author: Lin, Rem RunGu and Ke, Yongen and Zhang, Kang Body Cosmos Body Cosmos

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