Bio Ink

Cursive Calligraphy’s “Qi” in 3D and Bio-ink

Bio-Ink is a generative artwork that merges the art of cursive calligraphy with the life-data of the calligrapher. This artwork records the calligrapher's physical and mental states during the writing process using a motion capture system, EEG, and EMG devices. The resulting data is then transformed into a 3D interpretation of cursive calligraphy. This transformation uses a vector field and bio-ink, reflecting the calligrapher's bio-data in a dynamic format. Built in Unreal Engine 5, Bio-Ink creates an immersive 3D environment that allows the audience to experience the rhythm and elegance of the calligrapher’s brushwork and movement. By integrating both the technique and life-data of the calligrapher, Bio-Ink provides a nuanced appreciation of cursive calligraphy. Author: Lin, Rem RunGu and Zhou, You and Zhang, Kang calligrapher: Yanbin Fu Bio Ink Bio Ink Bio Ink

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